Saturday, September 01, 2007

Say Buh Bye....

This morning I lost my mucus plug... which is a good sign that things are progressing still and that I am still dilating! However, does not necessarily mean that I will go into labor anytime soon. I could stay like this for another week or so... let's keep praying that I start having some contractions soon!!


Nicole Leonard said...


I have to tell you something cute. Last night, we were all at Micah's parents' house and I was reading your blog. I watched the belly video (amazing) with Cathy & Kaitlyn. And Kaitlyn asks, "How does the baby get out?" It was silent for a bit as Cathy & I looked at each other and tried to decide what to say. We managed to explain it decently, I think.

So just now, I came back to your blog to check for an update and Kaitlyn says, "Is the baby out now?" :)

*sigh* No... but almost!! :)

Anonymous said...

what does this mean? mucus plug...what is that