Sunday, September 02, 2007


Being home has been able to allow me more time to reflect on life and realize how much GOD truly love us. When I was younger I always knew that God loved me and provided for me but since being married and now expecting our first baby- literally anytime now- God's grace seems even more apparent to me and real. We have been given so much, we have an amazing marriage and soon to be family, air conditioned apartment, food in the refrigerator, clothes in the closet, baby stuff up the wahzoo... endless amounts of things that I know that we totally do not deserve. I find myself crying most times because I REALIZE that these things are given to us even in spite of the sinners that we are, the crying might be the raging hormones but still I find myself being humbled by how GREAT our God really is. So great that he has created this life inside my body and has kept me and the baby Holybee healthy all 9 months. So great, that I know that when I go to deliver this miracle (eeek!!!) that we will still be protected by His grace! I don't think I could ever in this lifetime say Thank you enough to the Creator for His wonderful blessings, and I just look forward to being able to serve him more through this new addition to our life :)

1 comment:

Nicole Leonard said...

Well said, my friend. :) XOXO