Saturday, April 28, 2007


Moses has been walking this land for 40 years. It isn't as if the ground all of a sudden became holy. The ground didn't just change. It's that Moses became aware of it.

Are we standing on Holy ground all the time and we are passing by burning bushes left and right, but because we are moving too fast and distracted we miss them? Do we take for granted that what we stand on is Holy Ground?

The word LORD is in the Bible nearly 6,000 times. In Hebrew the name is really 4 letters, YHVH. These letter are pronounced "Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh. or as others say now Yahweh. In some traditions this is never even pronounced because it's considered so sacred, so mysterious, so holy. The rabbi's even believed that they were kind of breathing sounds and that the name is simply unpronounceable.

Is the name of God the sound of breathing?

Yod Heh Vav Heh

The word for ground is Adame, God breathed life into Adam from dust

Do you ever have moments when you feel like you're seconds from losing it?
Each persons life is but a breathe- Life is fragile. We've been breathed into by the Creator of the Universe, and this divine breathe is in every single human. If no one ever realizes this, the truth still remains that God gave us life.

Hebrew language the word for breathe is the same word for spirit. The Hebrew word for breathe is "Ruah" and the Greek word is "Pneuma" . Scriptures state that when God takes away the "ruah" they die and return to dust. Cultures actually believed that the breathe of God literally resided within their own body. Having that spirit reside in you, sanctified you.

What happens when you breathe is that you let God in and you realize everything that you need to leave behind. If we were to be totally Honest, is there anything in your life that you need to breathe out? The spirit guides us into truth. God gives the spirit without limit. Is there anything you need to breathe in?

You are a sacred creation of God, flowing through all of us is the breathe of God and we are standing on Holy ground.

When a baby is born what is the first thing they have to do to survive, does this baby have to take a breathe or say the name of God, What is the last thing we do before we die, we take our last breathe or is it that we can no longer can say the name of God.

Yod Heh Vav Heh!

As you slow down may you realize that we live and move and breathe, Yod Heh Vav Heh!

-Notes taken from "Breathe" by Nooma

Friday, April 27, 2007

Baby Holybee's head profile

Baby Holybee Leg

Baby Holybee laying on stomach

Baby Holybee Foot

Baby Holybee fist/ arm

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

21 weeks and other things going on!

Here is another recent picture of me at 21 weeks pregnant. I am really starting to show, with the help of the belly band I have been able to still wear a lot of my work pants luckily. Everyone at my work that comes in is now starting to notice. Although I am still feeling good about my growth because a girl came in and she was the same size as me but she was only 3 months pregnant, so that makes me feel pretty good! I still have a little bit of a belly button, I assume that should be gone pretty soon though. The baby has been really starting to kick a lot of harder now and not waking me up at night just yet, but man sometimes the baby will kick for like 5 minutes straight. Pretty cool, how God uses our body to create a BABY!

I am still feeling really good, just tired because work is exhausting me. I am on a record or something. Once this week has ended, I will have hired 10 new employees. Bringing my total for the month up to 19 new employees, that has to be a record or something... ha ha. Not just with that, but man... the rest of my job on top of keeping up on all the new hires. Crazy!!!

The newest and greatest thing we have purchased is the Apple TV... drum roll please! I know, we are such geeks. We mainly only watch TV shows through iTunes so this seemed to be the most reasonable solution. We are in the process of setting it up right now so that we can use it. We are so utterly excited to see what this bad boy can do :)

We are in search of a 2nd vehicle, we have done a lot of research on Consumer reports, and Auto Guide to try and find what would be most usable but not expensive and something we can pay cash for since we sold the truck now. Also, something manual transmission since we won't be driving it that much to begin with since Andrew and I carpool to work and so on. We first thought the Honda fit, but then we would be making payments because it would be a new car. And on top of it, it would be sitting in a parking space most of the time so it would be a waste of money. We will see, we are waiting for a call back on a manual Honda Accord, so we will see what happens with that.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Truck sold and other goings on

Well... we said "So long" to the truck yesterday. We sold the truck for $11,000. So sad to see it go, but another step towards saving for the baby and for a house. I am really going to miss that truck! There were so many memories, but more to come with all the new things happening in my life.

I have finally made some business cards because, before I didn't need them and now I am starting to need to give out.

The next Monday (April 30th) we will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary. Man! Time does fly by fast doesn't it? I am so happy to have such a wonderful and understanding husband! Celebrating an anniversary, then a baby! I just want to thank God for all the wonderful blessings He has given us in our life and I just can't wait to see what this new addition to our family will bring to our life. More to come...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A basic thought

"What do your attitudes toward church and toward Christ have to do with each other?
What tempts you to to disobey Hebrews 10:25? What spiritual benefits might you miss out on staying away from Christian gatherings?

'On the most elementary level, you do not have to go to church to be a Christian. You do not have to go home to be married either. But in both cases if you do not, you will have a very poor relationship.' How do regular attendance and participation strengthen your relationships with God, with family members, and with other believers?"

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


" A friend of mine tell me that when he was a college student, a popular bumper sticker boldly stated "Jesus Christ- Yes, The Church- No!" Thought the bumper sticker is long gone, the sentiment has trickled down to a pervasive attitude of "Jesus Christ, Yes- The Church, When I need it and on my terms!"
These days church attenders are infected with a virus on conditional loyalty that has produced an army of church hitchhikers. The hitchhikers thumb says "You buy the car, pay for the repairs, unkeep, and insurance, fill the car with gas- and I'll ride with you. But if you get into an accident, you're on your own, and I'll probably sue!" Many church-goers have a similar agenda: "You go to meetings and serve on the boards and committees. You grapple with the issues, teach, entertain the children, and I'll come along for the ride. But if things do not suit me. I'll criticize and complain and I'll probably bail out. My thumb is always out for a better ride."

The "McChristian" mentality constantly checks to see what 's new on the menu ust in case there's a better deal down the street. "McChristians" have a telling vocabulary, using phrases such as "I go to" or "I attend" but not typically using the words "I belong to" or "I am a member of."

If you're a tried- and- true long-term member of a church, the following may or may not surprise you. "A 1999 George Barna Research poll showed that one in seven Americans change their church affiliationevery year, while one in six rotates between churches."

So here in the first decade of the new millenium, there's a phenomenon that would have been unimaginable in any other century- churchless Christians. There is a vast herd of professing Christianswho exist as nomadic hitchhikers without accountability, without discipline, without discipleship, without fellowship, living apart from the regular benefits of the ordinances."

- Taken from 'Disciplines of a Godly woman" by Barbara Hughes

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Shortly before I left for lunch I am sitting at my desk and the funniest thing happened. I think the baby had hiccups, because for about 5 minutes I felt this rhythmic tapping on my stomach and then after that it stopped. I think that was about the only thing I think it could have been. Pretty cool I think!

* My Dr's appt last Thursday was good, Andrew and I were able to hear the baby's heartbeat again. Also, we got set up with the actual Ultrasound appt in 2 weeks, where you have to have full bladder and the whole deal. This would be where they would tell us the baby's age and if it is in line with my due date and if we wanted to know (which we don't) the sex of the baby. Pretty exciting because I haven't seen a new picture of the baby since I was 10 weeks pregnant and I am sure he/ she has grown quite a bit. Fun fun!!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

18 weeks and looking fine!!!

Here is a recent picture of me, I am just starting my 18th week, I am starting to get a little belly but not much yet. I am sure, it will pop out anytime now. I am still waiting to see if I can fill out any maternity clothes, right now I am just leaving my current pants unbuttoned and wearing long shirts to cover the pants.

Today marks the first day I actually realized the baby had kicked me... so exciting!!! I was bending over for something at work and I could feel a few little bumps, nothing too hard but enough to let me realize our baby is ....yep still in there!!

I have moment like this and I have to stop and really cherish it. How amazing it is that we as women get to go through the experience of carrying a child inside our bodies to take care of and keep safe. What a great responsibility, and yet still such a beautiful thing :)

Monday, April 02, 2007

John 17:6-8 & Ahava

After work I was catching up on some of my podcasts and was listening to Robert Elliott from Reformed Baptist of Riverside, has a Scottish accent, but man I have to say 95% of his sermon is all meat! Here are some notes I took while he was speaking, you can download his podcasts for free through iTunes:
John 17:6-8- Robert Elliott

He has made the Father known to us, as his disciples, like 4th of July fireworks- Big, Extravagant, and Colorful. His truths are visible even from thousands of feet away.

Moses, perhaps, the greatest man on earth- Even as great and righteous as he was was only allowed to see the back side of God.

Jesus tells us more about God here, in these passages, than Moses could ever show us. Jesus reveals to us the Holiness and Compassion of God- the Power of God and Tenderness of God. It's Christ that shows us these things not Moses. Moses only gave us glimpses, whereas, Jesus is the full sunshine that shows us through all generations the true God and all His attributes.

I have manifested You to men because YOU HAVE GIVEN THEM TO ME.

We can't look at anything the same once we've seen God. From the most beautiful star in the sky, to the most intricate flower growing out of the ground, we can never look at these the same once we've seen God's beauty.

James Montgomery Boice- Everything is God's, for he made it originally and can do with it what He pleases... Everything is God's and obeys the laws that He has set, from the smallest atom to the greatest star.

If God is God at all, then everything is His, if it isn't God's than God isn't God at all and we might as well find another God, right?

The Word of God has been presented and it opened their heart and has changed their minds, is now something that they have embraced and made their own. It is no longer about their own noble insights, it's about them embracing the Word of God and the Truth of God.


Celebrating at the end of this month is our 2 year anniversary, and watching this NOOMA video "Flame" was pretty cool. What does love mean to you? Do you have a Raya, a Ahava, or a Dod flame in your marriage, or do you have all three? If you're reading those words and going... what are you talking about? Read below in the notes I have written and you'll understand.

"Song of Songs was originally written in the Hebrew language, which has three different words for our English word 'love'.

The first word we find is the word 'Raya'. Raya would be translated literally as 'friend', or 'companion'- somebody you hang out with.

Another Hebrew word we find for love is 'Ahava'

Ahava is the love of the will. Now, this is way more profound than fleeting romantic feelings. This is much more than temporary urges. Ahava is making a decision to join your life to the life of another. This is an emotion that leads to commitment.

There's a a third Hebrew word for love that we find in Song of Songs. It's the word 'Dod.'
Dod is translated in English, literally, as to 'carouse', to 'rock', or to 'fondle.'

Dod is the physical, sexual element to a relationship."

So, after reading these three definitions what kind of flame do you have, or do you and your spouse have all 3 flames? The kind of spouse that is your friend, your devoted partner, and your lover? Being close to our anniversary, and being appreciative of the kind of close relationship I have with my husband, this was a good video to watch.
In today's society, people are left empty because their marriage only had 1 or maybe even 2 flames. They are left unsatisfied in their marriage because the lack the 3 pieces that truly make a marriage last.

"We have our raya flame. We have our ahava flame. And, we have our dod flame.
One flame burning all by itself will never be as hot as all the flames burning together. I mean, we were created for all the flames to burn as one.

When you separate the flames, it can never really satisfy. It's like you're living outside of how God wired you to live"

True sexuality is vast and mysterious. It involves all of you. I mean, you have a body, but you also have a soul and a spirit. And love is two people coming together and giving all of themselves to each other forever."

Need I say any more? Happy Anniversary to us, April 30th!