Saturday, September 22, 2007

Losing track of time

Seems like since the baby has been born I have not been able to keep my days straight. Mainly because I am at home everyday with the baby and I cannot seem to remember what day is what and what we have planned. Tuesday marks Hezekiah being 3 weeks old already and man these last few weeks have seemed to just fly by.
I have begun the process of trying to pump extra milk so when we are out and about I don't have to breastfeed the baby in public. Plus anytime, we have people over or we go to visit someone the baby and I usually have to disappear for an hour or so to get his feedings in. It makes me feel very anti-social at most times because I don't like to necessarily feed the baby in front of people and I haven't mastered using the blanket because it was just so dang hot to put a blanket over me and the baby. I have every intention of still feeding the baby breast milk as long as I can, so hopefully this pump will help a little bit with the feedings, slow going on the process of pumping for now I am sure it will pick up quickly.

1 comment:

Nicole Leonard said...

Happy 3-week birthday, Hezekiah!