Thursday, September 27, 2007

**Update** Possibly looking at buying this house?

**Update** So we met the realtor for this property last night and to take a look at the house and everything looks so great and yeah it is pretty small but it will be our first home it's not like I can expect a brand new home for our first one. Anyway, after some talking about it and crunching some numbers we still think it would be better at this point to wait a little bit longer and continue to save for a better home in better condition than this one. Keep us in prayer as we continue to save.

This property came up for sale recently, and it is a short sale which means that they want to try and sell it as quickly as possible but also means that they will be more willing to drop the price more. As you can see it is only a 2 bedroom 1 bath house and is pretty small in square footage but would be a great stepping stone to getting in the housing market. We are keeping it in prayer and leave it up to God to see if this is something we will be able to do. God has really and truly blessed us so much already that if we don't get it that will be exactly God's will. Very exciting and also pretty scary at the same time, Yikes a mortgage!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well also figure that you dont need anything that big anyways and you could make the second room half the baby room and half andrew's office so that he wont use the kitchen counter anymore...the yard is big so its not to say that down the road somewhere you could add on or what could get a above ground could add on in the front as well i dont know though its all in God's hands right...right...