Saturday, September 15, 2007

Boys are fun and 4 diapers

Why do I label my blog this? Hmmm... well tonight I am in the midst of feeding the baby and I decide to change his diaper to wake him up a little so I can finish feeding him. (With boys anytime cold air hits their little private parts they are likely to pee so you have to let it hit the air and then quickly cover with the diaper until he is finished.) Now, I thought I was doing pretty good so far but tonight I am changing his diaper and I look down for just 1 second and I look up to find pee hitting little Hezekiah's face and the changing pad so I screamed for Andrew to bring me more diapers and attempted to clean up the little mess he had made... I went through 4 diapers once I got it all cleaned up. Boys are fun! Then again just a few minutes ago, Andrew finishes changing him and gets him all settled and what do we hear from him but the sounds of little poop... we both said "Are you kidding me?" so I changed his diaper and got him settled and Andrew is trying to rock him to sleep and what do we hear again but the sound of poop so I change him again and as I am changing him I do my little trick with the cold air and I waited about 5 minutes and thought for sure he was done and I get about 3/4 way done with the diaper change when he starts to pee almost on me again... so I had to get another clean diaper... so once again went through 4 diapers in 1 changing!

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