Sunday, July 02, 2006


Andrew and I are members of the Christian Reformed denomination. I had an interesting conversation yesterday about denominations. In general, our calling from Christ was to make disciples in all the nations(Matt 28:19) ... to bring people to a saving knowledge of Christ(1 Tim 2:4). We are also called as believers to be unified as one body (1 Cor 12:18,12, Eph 4:4). I am not one for splitting hairs usually, and I think that in a lot of ways Satan has grabbed a hold of some churches. In that, I mean that people have allowed things like denominations to divide them, rather than unify them. Does that mean that we should allow a mormon to preach at a Christian Reformed church.... No. They don't stand upon the same foundations as we do. What I mean is that, how can a Baptist come to me and want to come to my church and I say...well you're Baptist I am sorry you can't come and serve at my church. Sometimes people lose sight COMPLETELY of the grand scheme of things here on earth. There is a purpose for each and every one of us, in the "Big Picture", you have to ask yourself, Is this bringing people closer to Christ or bringing them further away from God's purpose for us. I don't think Christ intended for denominations to split us, but people have taken this to the exteme. Christ himself, was not so narrowminded that he could not socialize with others of different beliefs. If we are following Christ's example, then we need to follow Christ's example. I am not perfect and I never claim to be. But I do understand that our actions can be an eternal consequence. YOU HAVE TO REMIND YOURSELF, THAT YOUR ACTIONS TOWARDS ANOTHER PERSON CAN EITHER DRAW THEM INTO A WONDERFUL KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST OR COMPLETELY DRIVE THEM AWAY FROM CHRISTIANITY ALL TOGETHER. In the "Big Picture" I don't think God would ever want us to split hairs about denominations. I truly do believe that if a church is based on Biblical principles and their doctrine follows just that, then why should anyone divide the body of Christ. We need to be unified in Christ. When The Passion and Narnia came out, a group of churches in Riverside from all different denominations gathered together for one purpose, to reach those in the community that do not know Christ. We had booths with information, bibles, etc. at local movie theaters handing these out and talking with people. I think this is great example, we united together for the one purpose, the purpose in which God has called all of us. I pray that everyone in ministry or in a church understands the eternal impact you can have on people either good or bad. The eternal impact you have on someone can bring them closer to or further away from the Adonai.

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