Thursday, November 01, 2007

What's new?

Yesterday was kind of a crazy day, seems like nothing seemed to go according to plans... and we really didn't dress Hezekiah up for Halloween because he really is too young to remember any of it. Next year, Hezekiah will be dressed up as a bee.

Hezekiah did not nap well or sleep well the last couple of days- He has been waking up every 2 hours at night versus his normal 4-5 hours. I have a humidifier in the room because lately has has been waking up with boogers. So, I figured this should help a little bit. I think he wakes up because he was having a hard time breathing or something because other than that the diaper wasn't dirty or anything. Today, Hezekiah has been doing well on his naps, falling asleep when he should... so hopefully tonight will be a better night:)

Andrew got off work and we went straight over the leasing office and signed our new lease papers and got the keys to our new apartment. We went and took a look to make sure everything was cleaned and ready for this weekends move. We just have to transfer over the power, gas, and cable to the new apartment. Hoepfully, this will be done in time for Saturday!

After this, we went straight to the mall to pick up our new Lovesac, (the Big One) and didn't anticipate how large it would be and we came in our Honda Civic thinking that it would fit- HA HA. That was a big joke, we had to call one of our friends (Clint) who has a truck to come and help us move it. Then we had to head out to my mom's house in Menifee because it was her birthday and we wanted to spend some time with her. With the whole fiasco with the Lovesac, it took us a while to get going so we only ended up spending about an hour with my mom before we had to head back so I could put Hezekiah to bed.

Ayyy yayy yayyy!!! So this weekend is the moving weekend for us to move into our new apartment. More moving yeah!! I am excited for Hezekiah to have his own room now. Here are some new pictures of Hezekiah, he is turning 2 months old already!

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1 comment:

PerryRocks said...

I stumbled across your blog from my cousin Caleb's myspace or actually Maggie's myspace and I met your husband at their wedding. I can't believe how much your baby looks like Andrew. He is the cutest little thing.