Monday, November 26, 2007

My love is spilling over!

We have been so blessed, and I know I say this almost every time I write a blog but it's so true and I just cannot say it enough because I feel so undeserving. My love is spilling over for my family, I am decorating my Christmas tree tonight and thinking about the day and about how wonderful my husband is. How he still thinks I am the hottest woman alive even after having a baby, how patient he is with me in my times of drama, and how he inspires me to be a better person with his devotion to Christ and reading His word.

I was looking at Hezekiah and he is eating tonight and I just stare at him all the time because of how wonderful he is. He smiles and squeals with delight as I play with him tonight and his smile just melts my heart every single time. Hezekiah is asleep on my chest as I rock him I feel him breathing and see his little body move with each breath and I look down and his eyes are tightly shut and I just want to give him a big hug and tell him how much I love him. I am cherishing this little moments because before we know it he will be running around and he won't be my little snuggle bunny anymore. My heart just spills over with love for him and I feel like I just cannot contain how MUCH I love him. I never imagined in a million years how much I would love my little baby, but it seems like it is just never ending. And even on his worst days when he is fussy and crying I still think about how cute he is. He brings me such joy every day because it's always something new. I can look at him as he looks at me and I can almost see the wheels turning in his head as he comprehends things. It is just how awesome how intricate God created us!

So what do you do with love in your life that is just spilling over, Just give thanks to the LORD for allowing us to experience this kind of love and share it with others. Here I am writing this blog, sharing with others my love. Merry Christmas.... here the Holybee's come!

1 comment:

PealzfromShelz said...

In the Lord we truly come to know the meaning of precious. How awesome!