Monday, November 19, 2007

 All things new

Friday, I had an appointment with my Dr for some GI problems I am still continuing to have and there pretty much wasn't much that they could do for me since I am breastfeeding still, so now I am on a pretty strict diet (which I should be on anyway) but I have to stay away from Breads, Dairy, and Meat... which as you can see limits me to veggies and fruit. So be vegetarian or not to be vegetarian? I am going to be pretty careful with the amount of meat I eat and eat very little, but I don't believe that a no meat diet is healthy at all.
Saturday, had an appointment with a young girl who is getting married in March and wanted to book me for a wedding. So, I covered all the bases... like what her payment includes and what it doesn't include and what the costs are for prints and had her take a look at my portfolio. Booked it is for a March wedding. I have another referral for a wedding for July, I am still waiting to hear from her about whether or not she has decided to book me for this date as well so that one is still pending.
Also, went to a house warming BBQ later in the afternoon.

Sunday, enjoyed a nice church service and had dinner with friends and headed home for the night. Not a bad weekend, looking forward to Christmas!!

1 comment:

Nicole Leonard said...

So how'd the turkey turn out?