Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Golden Compass movie- STEER CLEAR

Red flags waved over seemingly family-friendly film

by Josh Montez

Are you choosy about what your little ones watch in the movie theatre? If so, here’s one you definitely want to steer clear of in coming months: The Golden Compass.

The Golden Compass is being trumpeted as a kid-friendly flick much like C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. What’s unclear is how closely the film corresponds to its genesis: His Dark Material, a trilogy written by atheist Phillip Pullman, promoting the virtues of atheism. And that concerns Bill Donohue with the Catholic League.

“Pullman, himself, to his credit, does not deny it. He comes right out and says that his goal is to kill God in the books for children, and to undermine Christianity.”

Jim Ware is co-author of Shedding Light on His Dark Materials; a book that highlights the anti-Christian themes in the Pullman series.

“In this parallel world that he creates in The Golden Compass, the church is really the villain. In his scheme of things, God is really the Devil who has succeeded in fooling everyone into thinking that He’s God.”

Whether or not those themes will be clear cut in the movie remains to be seen. Still Adam Holz with Plugged in Magazine offers this warning.

“I think that as we see more stuff on the His Dark Materials trilogy, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say it’s really heretical. And that Pullman has intentionally tried to undermine and reshape the Christian story.”

Articles on The Golden Compass will soon be available at pluggedinonline.com. 

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Anonymous said...

Don't worry. The Golden Compass is a great book. What's there to be afraid of? This whole hoopla about it is baseless. My nephew is reading it and he hasn't even asked any questions about religion. He's more interested in the shape shifting daemons.

Anonymous said...

And would you please cite your sources for the quotes you have? God is not the devil in the series, it's the Church structure that's been hijacked my power hungry people...
And god isn't killed, he's set free to be one with nature.