Sunday, October 26, 2008

What is up with everyone and the Acai Berry?

So funny to see all these ads about the Acai Berry junk? Seriously, it's kind of annoying. I am all for being healthy and all, but one certain berry is not going to be a cure all. You can drink all the Acai berry juice you want but if everything else you eat in your diet is crap then that juice ain't going to help ya. People nowadays want a quick fix, but there is no quick fix to preventing cancer... Cancer is complex and no 1single product will help prevent all cancer. Most people know that antioxidants are good for the body and help fend off cancer but have no idea why or how the body does it... so make sure you do your research and with any good fad time is always the true test of whether it actually works. Many scientists still do not understand to the full extent the pro's and con's of the Acai berry so for now I stick to blueberries and pomegranate's!

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