Wednesday, October 08, 2008


A word we too commonly hear today, even in the arena of Christianity we hear this word too often. Since when did marriage become a thing of convenience for people? When did it become okay to walk away from your spouse because you're bored or the grass looks greener on the other side? Is this what our world has come to... if you don't give me what I want when I say I want it then I am outta here! Love is not the butterflies in your stomach when you first meet, that my friends is infatuation. Love is a commitment to never say I'm giving up, even when things look grim I am gonna hold on through this storm because that is what I promised in front of my God, my Family, and my Friends.

It saddened me today to learn that a friend of Andrew and I got served divorce papers today. Some strange things had been happening in the marriage, but how do you find yourself so happy one day and turn around and be ready to walk away? Crazy, Crazy... that's about all I can say right now.

1 comment:

Lee Jones said...

It doesn't happen one day to the next. I think it happens when you first justify no apologizing, then the first time you are willing to go to bed angry, then pretending things are OK. Eventually, people stop working on problems and avoid them instead, but the problems grow.

I mean, duh, you knew that, but still, marriage is a relationship, and it takes work for any relationship to thrive.

And, good relationships don't maintain themselves - they have to be nurtured.

And, it takes two. If one person is unwilling to tend to the relationship, it withers. It is sad, but that's how it is.