Friday, October 17, 2008


Saw the Dr today, Hezekiah got 4 shots... the poor baby. He has got a nasty running nose and cough but no fever so I guess that is good. The Dr said it was okay to use a humidifer, the only thing to beware of is the mold to make sure and clean it out often and mold could trigger allergies as he gets older. No medication for the nose, just have to wait it out. I am thinking this runny nose thing might be because he is getting more teeth, he is drooling like crazy again and is putting everything in his mouth. I don't see anything new but maybe they are in the back of his mouth.

I had a pretty length conversation with Hezzy's Dr Sharpe in reference to these immunizations and their link to autism. He affirmed with me that the only person who believes that is Jenny McCarthy... that there have been so many studies that have proven there is no link between the 2. That Jenny's son had some pre-existing condition that was not ever caught because he seemed like a normal child and the immunizations may have triggered something but they are not to blame. As he told me, immunizations only work is everyone uses them you put everyone at risk if you don't administer them to all children. He referenced a recent incident in San Diego of Measles and told me that he has seen children die of Measles so he believes very strongly in the immunizations.  I have to say for the most part, I am really concerned about the cure for autism, not for my own child really but because I think we need to find out why so many children have it. Is it genetics, environment, food... we really to solve this epidemic.

The Dr. noticed some kind of protrusion on Hezzy's left rib, it looked as though he may have gotten bruised. He just said to watch it and if it doesn't go down we can do an x-ray. He had a horrible rash on his little tushy so I have been thoroughly putting hydro cortisone on his little tushy. Hopefully this starts to go away, it looks so painful for him and he definitely doesn't like me touching it. Right now he is taking a nice long nap, no doubt because of the exhaustion from his shots. He always takes SUPER long naps after he gets shots... it's nice to have some peace and quiet but I can't wait for him to wake up.

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