Monday, February 19, 2007

Supporting our troops!

Today, I went to my Dad's before Bible study and he had some signs he was in the process of making so he could go and stand out on a busy intersection. One sign stated this "Shame on you Congress, Support our troops!" and one of the other ones said "Here we go again, just like Vietnam!" Now, we are not big ware advocates in my family, but my Dad is a former Marine who did fight in Vietnam and survived even after a mortar blew up within arms length of him. I am not trying to make my Dad seem like some huge war hero, but in my eyes he is because he served his country. No one can tell him his fight wasn't worth it, because only he decides that.

My dad feels very strongly that Congress is making a mistake much like Vietnam in pulling funding from our troops while they are still in Iraq. Why is this bad? Well, if you pull funding they can't buy bullets. My point is this, stand where you are going to stand... but if Congress doesn't agree with the war then pull the troops out. Don't just pull their funding and leave them there with nothing to fight with. Congress right now is working on pulling the funding from our troops. and I have to say that my Dad will probably be one of those people that you would normally look at while you're driving and you see him sitting there and you say to yourself "What a nut!" With my Dad, I support our troops!

I leave you with this thought, this was a quote that I took from the movie "Tears of the sun" but I have forever kept in my mind:
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

1 comment:

Lee Jones said...

Yeah, I'd have to agree. If we're not going to fund the troops, just bring them home. If we're not brining them home, support them.

By the way, that quote is often attributed to Edmund Burke (although he didn't say it).