Monday, February 12, 2007

How God is working

I guess I thought that I would title this blog this because of all the stuff that has been going on lately. We have 2 more weeks in our little 5th wheel and we have been working on trying to pack what we can until we actually move. Everything is all set to go on the apartment just have to wait for the keys, which we should be able to pick up March 1st. I am so excited about being able to be in Riverside now, and having a regular size kitchen so I can actually bake and cook the way I want to. Seems like such a silly thing to be excited about but still very excited about that.

The blessings so far with this move have been abundant, we did end up receiving a very nice green Lazy boy couch, a headboard, footboard, 2 nightstands, and coffee table all for FREE! That's right all for the low- low price of nothing. All nice furniture that we thought we would have to buy, but it turns out that God has his GREAT ways of providing for us.

We did, however, buy a comforter and we still have to buy a crib. So, we did find some very nice cribs through IKEA for a pretty low price and I was reading a magazine and they rated the IKEA cribs pretty high. I do want to go down and take a look at them before we purchase anything of course... and we do have to measure to make sure it would be able to fit.

Ode to tax season!!! It's that time of year again where we either have to pay or get something back. We have been pretty fortunate that Andrew's Dad just happens to do bookkeeping and taxes for a living. Looks like we will be getting a return once again this year... Just another great blessing.

Work has been good but also pretty hard since I have been really tired, my co-workers were all very excited when I told them about me being pregnant. I was a little bit worred at first because I didn't know how they were all going to react. Seems like everything worked out great. One of the other department's had a Admin Asst III position just open and the VP was trying to convince me that He wanted me to work for him. But his office is in Moreno Valley and although it would pay more, I really don't know what our plans will be after the baby is born. Today, his manager came to my desk and asked me how I liked working in the HR department and I told him I loved it. He said, okay just checking because you know of the Admin Asst III position open. I told him I was aware of this. I have no intentions of leaving the current department I am in just because of money and my bosses are so great and so accommodating. So funny, cracked me up!!

Our current plans for the next two weeks is pack into boxes the things we are not using so that we can get ready to move, also I placed an ad on Craig's List for our 5th wheel since we have not had a buyer yet for it. Keep in prayer that we would be able to sell it before we move in, I know 2 weeks doesn't seem like a lot of time but Man! That would be awesome!!!

1 comment:

Nicole Leonard said...

Do you need boxes? We gave all ours away after our move but I can start collecting some here in the office for you. If I see you on the 22nd (hopefully I will!), I can give them to you then. Along with the maternity clothes. :)