Thursday, September 07, 2006

Life's frustrations

I can say that no more than 2 weeks ago, that for sure God spoke to us and said just stay where you are and don't worry about getting a house. Start your family when I want you to and don't worry about the rest. Andrew and I are faced with some questions now because of the recent turn of events that arose with us having to pay our own utilities now through the park. We've searched and searched every possible resource on the internet to see if there were other places we could move the 5th wheel to but unfortunately, it seems like the park we are in is pretty much the only decent one to live in this area. So, we looked on the internet at apartments that might be cheap... nope, no luck there unless I want to live in a gross area that would be dangerous. Looked at condo's, nope, once again still too expensive. So, now we are faced with quite a dilemma. Right now, yes, we are going to stay here. A few months down the line, rent will go up again and we will be faced with a problem where we will be paying as much as an apartment. We are working to pay off Andrew's truck as soon as possible so I started helping him on my side to help with the payments and get rid of it. Other than that, we still have no idea what the heck is going on with our future. We thought for sure we were going to buy a bigger RV and start a family, but we cant afford the bigger RV with the raise in rent. I am a little confused as to what direction God truly is trying to lead us. We will start a family next year still, but now we're faced with quite the pickle. Gosh, if I could just be pointed in a general direction that would be so helpful but no... nothing yet. I keep praying relentlessly for now 3 or 4 months about this living situation and yet I am still waiting for an answer. We are still paying less for an apartment now, and come January I should be getting a raise too but I don't know how much yada yada yada. Andrew, feels strongly called to stay at his current job (even though it doesn't pay very much) because we has been able to minister to a lot of the employees there. We've been given a great gift of having somewhere to live at all with the income we have. By now means, am I ungrateful for God providing for us. Money, is and hopefully never will be the focus of our lives. If anyone knows of any inexpensive apartments or living areas in the Riverside, please let me know so we can check them out :) Thank you for praying for, continue the prayers that God will show us the direction to take.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

girl you need to be patient and not focus on that yes it is your life but at the same time you truly have to surrender are holding on to what the wants of you heart are when God already knows them...just give it to God maybe God is trying to teach you the beattitudes in matthew 5 i think...surrender in all be poor in spirit....there are eight keys to life within them....just open the eyes of your heart and dont push anything on God he knows your intermost wants and needs so just truly give it up and live for Him i know it is easier said than done believe me but its a good reminder and good way to stay focused on God and not the troubles....i know im not perfect or maybe the one to say this to you but it is what is being said to me through not me? i mean its not other people but if you ever need to talk to a girl let me know