Thursday, April 09, 2009


I am nothing but thankful today. Thankful in the many ways that so many people forget to be thankful for. It's always heart breaking to go through grief, but how in these days can we be anything but thankful for the spouses and children we are able to come home to every day after work. It's hard to explain in words how really and truly God has been working in my life not take anything for granted. How can I be anything but thankful and grateful for just waking up every morning. I don't know if I have been in some sort of fog with my spiritual life. So here I am waking up to a life that can be nothing but great. A husband, a child, and both of us being employed!

Being a wife, a mom, and an employee is so exhausting! Life is a constant juggling act, it is no picnic for sure some days when I come home to a temperamental toddler. But seriously, if that is the worst I have to worry about when I come home... I have no room to complain. Hezekiah is learning too fast for Andrew and I to keep up with him. The other day, Hezekiah was attempting to climb up to a kitchen chair and as I say Hezekiah get down- He scrambles even faster and climbs on top of the chair to climb on top of the table. Our child was trying to climb on the table, so why is it that toddler's constantly try and test your boundaries some days and then other days he listens so well? Having a toddler is a lot of work at this point, and I have no intention of wanting another child at this point until I can get him potty trained- forget it!

So that's it for now... I am a thankful mommy and wife.

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