Thursday, April 23, 2009


Doesn't even describe the word. Had a Dr's appointment on Wednesday and I had been a fair amount of research about having a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) and my doctor told me in previous appointments that I was a candidate but I should wait 2 years before thinking about another pregnancy... which we were going to do either way. Needless to say, she told me this last appointment that Community Hospitals no longer do these kinds of procedures anymore because they do not have the resources to handle a catastrophic event like rupturing, etc. She told me I would need to go through a University Hospital like Loma Linda. Unfortunately, my health insurance does not cover me to go to a hospital like that unless it was a dire emergency.

Basically, if I want anymore kids I would need to have another c-section which extremely bums me out. In addition to ALL of this the statistics I thought were a lot lower of my scar tissue rupturing if I were to go through a procedure like this... turns out 1 in 100 women something catastrophic happens when trying a VBAC procedure. SO.... I had these dreams when I first starting thinking about starting a family, and I always had the dream of delivering the baby and being able to have the baby on my chest right after delivery and now those dreams are shattered at this point. Disappointment sucks!!!!


Curtis said...

Don't take it the wrong way, but I'm pretty sure the kid is the end result.

How they come out really shouldn't be that big of a deal.

Kendrew said...

@Curtis- Don't worry I won't take it the wrong way... because the reality is that most people (unless their wife has had a c-section or know someone who has gone through one) don't know how long of a recovery it is. Some probably read that blog as me whining or complaining and that's fine because that's their opinion. Most women spend 3 days a little sore and wanting to rest. For me, I spent 6-8 weeks of being sore and not being able to lift anything but the baby. Changing diapers was difficult, getting out of bed was a 15 minute ordeal, and I couldn't even take a shower by myself for several weeks. Even feeding the baby was ridiculous because I could not even hold the baby in a comfortable way because of the incision. For others it may not be a big deal and may even prefer a c-section to a natural birth, but for me it is a big deal because I know what I am going to have to go through again. I am not saying it isn't worth it to have Hezekiah or any future children, because I wouldn't trade him for anything.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought of homebirth? I know a few awesome midwives in the area. VBAC is possible. Riverside County doesn't do them anymore, but that doesn't extend to midwives.