Monday, April 13, 2009

Inspection- Check!

We had our inspection today on the house, we spent about 2 hours. The inspector we used was just amazing, he really took time with us to show us some things around the house. For the most part, the house is in great condition, and we don't have any major things that need to be addressed. Some of the items, we are going to mention and see if they will fix any of the items. We have a couple of items on our priority list to fix immediately which would be our front door, and a broken window in the living room.

Overall, we only had 1 area that needed to be addressed. The Air Conditioning, which turned on but didn't seem to be blowing the cold air. He said that we might just need to check some fuses or needs more freon. We need new outlets throughout the house since the house was built in 1960 and the addition to the house was done in 1969, most of the outlets are 2 prong so he suggested especially for the fridge that we get 3 prong outlets installed (minimal cost). The roof is in great condition, it has 2 layers already on it so we could go a long time and put one more layer on before we need to completely re-roof the house. He said for the age of the house he was really surprised at how good of a condition the plumbing, electrical, etc. are in. Most houses he's seen in this age of a house need a complete re-haul. Looks like we picked a good house so far. One thing we've really looked into is if we purchase windows that are Energy Star , we can get a 30% credit on those items up to $1500. You can check out which items qualify for the credit at:

Now, it's actually time to get excited now that we know that the inspection is going to pass and now we just need to focus on getting all the paperwork finished and making a list of the must do's and prioritize them in order of importance because we will need to be careful about where our money is spent and make sure it is spent in the right places. Whoooo-hooooo, Praise the Lord for providing for us :)

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