Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why do people wave?

When they cut you off either on a street or on the freeway... Are they
saying "Hi, I am an inconsiderate selfish jerk who is too stupid to get in
the lane I need to turn in and arrogrant enough to think I drive a big
stupid raised suv that gets 5 mpg and I don't need to wait behind all these
cars going way too slow... So I am just going to cut in here because I am
big and stupid!"

I am sorry... I know that sounds harsh but seriously I get so tired of
people not thinking ahead and getting impatient because they can't drive 60
down a 45mph street. I wish people would learn that this world doesn't
revolve around them... And care about other people. They are the reason car
insurance is so high, people get lazy and stop caring that anyone else is
on the road but them.

Ugh! My frustrating for the day :)

1 comment:

Nicole Leonard said...

Maybe you should figure out how to cut down your commute time... ;) Seems like driving causes you quite a bit of stress!