Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Living life in this fishbowl

Sometimes, I have to say that life seems like we are always swimming in circles. You save a little and then it goes out the window. So you keep working and working to save the money again and something comes up and it's out the window again. I try to keep my eyes on God and just focus on Him instead of looking in circles and getting dizzy. It's hard sometimes not to look at what others have and not feel some sort of jealousy because God has blessed them in a different way than in my own life. I by no means, ever, ever want to be wealthy but having a little money in savings wouldn't hurt right?

Every time we hang out with friends or someone has a party everyone seems to always talk about the housing market and I know all the stuff about houses and the process in buying a house, but sometimes I hate talking about it because it is a reminder sometimes of how we're just not at that point in our lives to where we can even really look. We could borrow money from people we know to buy a house but then we'd be paying a mortgage and the person we borrowed money from and that we just could not afford and it doesn't make sense for us. It seems sometimes when looking at the housing no matter how many raises you get and promotions it never seems like enough to buy a house... well a decent house anyway. 

On the upside, I guess if you can see it that way, and that's where I have been taking life from... Work has been extremely stressful because 1) We have construction being done on the outside of our building with jack hammering and all. 2) Because sometimes people in my office don't always pull their own weight. 

I feel like when I am at work I really give like 150% and others sometimes only give maybe 50% and it jsut really sucks sometimes because then I have to work even harder to make up for the many things the other person may not be doing. I just pray seriously, that whatever the Lord's will is at my work that it be done. I don't plan on leaving because the big boss I work for is just amazing, I will be learning so much from her, she is thorough and smart, she's a great teacher. I just wish the other problems could be handled. 

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