Monday, June 30, 2008

Today I am exhausted

And that's because Saturday morning we all got woken up at 4:30am to Andrew's work calling about an urgent issue at work he needed to handle. This will all be a part of the new job duties, but even the baby woke up once he heard Andrew talking and working away at his computer. So needless to say the baby was a little more fussy than normal all day.

Then to top off my exhaustion after a long weekend (with 2 birthday parties in 1 day), last night Hezekiah decided he was going to wake up at 1:30am for no apparent reason other than to cry and cry and cry. So, I got up, made him a bottle (falling asleep while holding the bottle) and then send him back on his way to his crib. Meanwhile, I am TRYING desperately to fall back to sleep only to wake up 5 hours later for work. I felt like such a zombie today. It's been a long time since I have been this exhausted.

Next weekend will only be worse, hopefully we can spend a quiet 4th of July at my parents house and then Saturday go to my niece's birthday party, and Sunday a baby shower. Phew! I am tired just talking about all the parties, etc. going on.

Also, I know that Hezekiah's 1st birthday is a couple of months away still but I thought I would mention that I have set up a list on to help people decide what to buy for him. Here is the link:

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