Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Thank goodness for apartments!

We were noticing the last couple of days that our A/C unit was making a dripping sound but we thought it was just condensation from using it so much... but it turns out it wasnt! I came home yesterday to the entryway to our bedroom being wet.

Today when I woke up I picked up some clothes off of the floor and noticed they were damp from laying on the floor of our closet. I came home after work and I distinctly remember smelling mold or mildew and when I went to the bedroom and our closet it was so horrible. I walked down with Hezekiah to the manager's office and put in a work order to have both things looked at. He completed the A/C leaking problem and said he would have to come back tomorrow to completely replace the padding and carpet in the areas where water damage had happened.

And I say, thank goodness for apartments because had we owned our own home when this problem happened we would have to fork out the costs to get both problems taken care of. I am totally okay with waiting a little longer until we own a home just for that reason alone!

1 comment:

Nicole Leonard said...

I agree! My BFF and her hubby recently had to replace a ton of carpet in the upstairs bathroom of their house because a toilet overflowed. Hearing that story made me thankful we can just call a maintenance guy in our apt. to get something fixed.