Saturday, November 11, 2006

Upcoming photo jobs

So, this Friday is my wedding photo job coming up. I am going to be
practicing some techniques this week to try and get more familiar with my
flash. I am very excited and yet still very nervous as I want them to turn
out creative and good and everything the couple wanted. I charged a minimal
price for the job because I am still learning, but yikes!!!! I may possibly
have another wedding job on Dec 30th depending on some circumstances. So I
am HOPING it works out.
Also, I have 2 portrait sessions set up for Christmas photos. This will be
coming up in the next 3 weeks or so to get the photos out in time for
Christmas. I am going to check out some websites to host my pictures for my
clients but I am having a hard time finding one that isn't too expensive. I
checked out Pictage but they want too much money, and also but
I didn't like the layout. Anyone have any suggestions?

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