Thursday, November 30, 2006

End of the world

I hear so many opposite opinions from people in general about starting a

Some say... You should travel and accomplish more things before you start
having babies and a family. You'll never be young again in your life so do
everything you want to before you have babies.

Opposite side... Says having babies is the most accomplishing thing you can
do with your life. Don't worry about having money because God will provide
for you. Who says you can't travel with babies? You get to share all those
experiences as a family.

So where do I stand? Man... I think sometimes it would be great to wait til
we have a house and make more money, but what if we never have a house or
never make more money? I would be waiting forever before we start to have a
family. I want to share all those traveling experiences with my children,
and who says we can't do that even when they are small.
Why is it that some people view having a family as the end of the world?
Like you will be so strapped down if you have a family?
See, that person that says we should accomplish more is the same person
that will end up waiting til it is too late to have children. I once heard
someone say that if you wait til you are financially stable to have
children you never will.

I don't think having a baby is the end of the world, but yet another
chapter of your life that will bring good things too. I refuse to believe
that having a baby can be a negative thing.

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