Wednesday, October 25, 2006


A little while ago Andrew's parents gave me a little bucket full of
buttercups (which smell delicious when they are bloomed) from there house
out at Cherry Valley because they were blooming literally all over their
3/4 of an acre backyard. So my Father- in - law took a shovel and dug some
up for me and I took them to our little place and have been sitting outside
our door for about 6 mos. A few months ago, I could have swore I killed
them off. I remember Andrew's mom telling me that they are resilient little
flowers, but I thought I still killed them. This morning I came outside to
find them growing still and on top of if they have multiplied the bulbs.
Crazy! So, I am excited for them to start blooming because they smell so
wonderful. I can't wait to have a full garden of my own, or a backyard or
front yard to plant... someday.... Ahhhhh :)

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