Monday, October 30, 2006

Bill O'Reilly

Tonight we went over to Andrew's parents house in Cherry Valley... Holy cow
that fire was close coming off the freeway.

Anyway, while we were there she was watching a Oprah when she had Bill
O'Reilly on and I normally would not like him because I have heard some
things from him before but this time almost all of the subjects he had an
opinion on I agreed on like the war in Iraq, government, etc. I thought he
was an ultra liberalist but he's pretty conservative on his thinking. He
said in the show when debating with an audience member "You probably pulled
that off the internet..." she interrupted and said "No I read it in the
newspaper and I have all the clippings." Bill says, you've regurgitated
that from someone else. He says, "The news shows are jokes" they sit in
make up for 4 hours and read the teleprompter... Ooooooohhh.
I agree, that most people do not know where they truly stand on issues,
they read an article that makes a lot of sense and try to call it there
Most people will agree that soldiers being killed in Iraq is bad, but who
am I to say that their life was not valuable that their purpose was not
valiant? It's one thing to not agree with the reasons for the war, but
don't ever stop supporting our troops!!! They went into the military some
before they knew they were going there, and some because they wanted to go
there and fight. Their reasons may be different, but who are we to say that
their purpose should have been different?
I guess, I feel so passionate about our soldiers because my Grandpa
served, my Father served, and my Brother is serving now. My Dad has told me
stories of when He returned from Vietnam and being yelled at "Baby
killer"... where was the welcome party then? Do you even have a clue how
much morale soldiers lose when their own country does not support them?
Imagine being one of those soldiers, another reason why I am so passionate
about supporting our troops is because so many other don't. I see
protestors wanting to be-head Bush, and I am so stinkin sick of it...
People want someone to blame and he just seems to be the easiest target.
God puts in place all authorities, so why I do I back Bush and support out
troops because "In God we trust"


Lee Jones said...

I feel much the same way about our soldiers. Although I still don't know why we're in Iraq, I don't see why we should take it out on the troops.

Nicole Leonard said...

God bless our troops! I wholly support them, no matter what the cause.

And I heard somewhere that instead of saying "God Bless America," we should be saying, "America, Bless God!"