Monday, August 14, 2006

Journal Entry 8/14/06

We may not have the best paying job
But we know that where we are is where we are supposed to be

We may not have a lot of money
But at least we know that it is not our focus

I may not be the prettiest woman in the world
But at least I know that this is how God intended me

I may not have the most serene voice
But know that God still enjoys me singing

We may not own a home filled with decor
But at least we know that God is still blessing us

We have a roof over my head
But at least we know it's not the roof protecting me but GOD

We may not own a lot
But who says blessings = stuff?

I know that what I say may not always make people "feel good"
But at least we know that God has called me to say them

We may not have "everything"
But at least we know that we are following God's will and not our own

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