Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fixed the sink!

We have been housesitting for my Dad for the last 3 weeks and this was the last week that we have been staying here and of course everything has going smoothly until BAM!!! the kitchen sink decides to start backing up on me. So, I of course did the natural thing went to the store and bought some drano... after using the whole bottle still nothing happened. So, I tried soaps of all kind, still nothing. Andrew remembered from High School that the powder Drano is supposed to work better, I said POWDER DRANO... I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF POWDER DRANO. I grab the plunger and begin to start plunging the sink but it makes it even worse, I turn on the garbage disposal and yet it still makes it worse. I got to the store, and behold the crystal/powder Drano. I used it 3 times... nothing. I went about the rest of my errands and when I sick and tired of waiting for the thing to drain to I could wash my dishes. I, once again, grab the plunger and just start plunging the drain as hard and fast as I can. I hear a plunk!!! And all the water begins to drain faster than I can say "Thank you LORD!" So, I finished my dishes and ecstatically sang because of how proud I was that I took care of the clogged sink and thought I didn't even need a plumber.... WHOO HOOO!!!!

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