Saturday, August 19, 2006

Forgot to mention

I was busy reading Nicole's blog when I remembered.... ha ha I have my very first wedding photograhy job November 18th. Now, my fees are still pretty low because I still need some equipment to do the job, like maybe a PROFESSIONAL FLASH :) So, I charged only enough so I could buy the flash I needed for the job since all of it will be an inside wedding and reception. I charged $350.00, plus if she wants any prints of the photos that will be an extra charge for those. I still need my reflectors, the awesome ones are a 5 in 1 reflector for lighting but I don't have an assistant so I am not quite sure yet how that is going to work... I am going to have to think about this a little better. So anyway, I am very nervous because well I have done a wedding before but I was using a 35mm and this time I am using my very nice camera. Yikes, pray for me that this goes well and God will inspire me with creativity so I can get some good shots for their wedding. Let all my equipment work and that nothing will fail. I can't believe I forgot, Thanks Nicole for reminding me.

Side Note: My dad inspired me to love photography, he took a lot of classes in college but eventually stopped taking photography classes because a professor told him he was only a mediocre photographer. My dad has consistently encouraged me and told me how good he thought my pictures were. Love you Dad! Thanks for encouraging me :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if it is not a hard job i will be your charge...let me know maybe you can train me to know what to do...holler WUSA