Monday, April 10, 2006

New job opportunity

Please keep me in your prayers this week, I was doing some looking around for some jobs this weekend and found at Riverside Medical Clinic they were hiring for an HR Assistant. I read through the job details, and it's really similar to what I am doing now. So, ahwile ago before I started at AFVW, I applied there as an executive assistant because my mom's friend is the VP of Human Resources for that company. So, I checked their website and sure enough found that position. I am hoping to have a conversation with this VP today on my lunch to see I would be able to send my resume to her for possibly being considered for the position. I pray that this works out, I am putting it in God's hands. My current work situation has not gotten any better at all, and in fact last week it got worse with my supervisors attitude and dealings with us in the office. So, I have decided it is time for me to be considering other options at this point. It is too much stress for a job, and I am only 22. So, keep me in your prayers for my work environment to get better and for this possible new position. Also, I applied at Anchor Blue in Ontario for an HR assistant and Mag-Lite for an HR assistant.

Thanks All and Love ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kendra - heard recently all the Home Depots are hiring HR persons. My prayers are with you on your opportunity. Another place always hiring (and all over) is Kaiser. God's best for you gyrl! Hugz!