Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Happenings

Seems like I haven't blogged recently so I thought I would keep everyone up to date. Andrew returned form his 8 day mission trip and once again had an amazing trip once again. This trip was a lot different than previous years as he was responsible for all the video for the trip and now is under the stress of having to put together the video before Sunday to present before the whole congregation of Bridges church. So, crunch time it is. Nothing like only 7 days to put together an amazing video of their trip.

Work is going well for me, seems like I am given more and more responsibility at my work. It has given me lots of opportunities to shine. I know for sure that the field of Human Resources is my niche and I enjoy this line of work. My V.P. is an amazing mentor, she is just a wealth of knowledge for me. The complex projects I have worked on recently have gotten me notice from the President and other Senior Management. It has made me feel pretty confident about my work and that I am doing things right. With the economy and all the lay offs so far, our clinic is financially sound and has not even had to do 1 layoff which is great for us. However, since we are not doing lay offs, any new openings are being reviewed to decide whether or not that position "needs" to be re-filled. So we are cutting budget mainly through attrition.

Financially, we are doing pretty good. With our tax returns, due any day now, we are paying off what debt we have left and then... drum roll please... here come the major savings. Our lease is up at the end of July and so we are praying that the housing market continues to stay low by then so we can looking at houses to buy. Even with our previous debt, we were still able to put away a nice chunk but we would like a little bit more because Lord knows when we do buy a house (with the houses we will be able to buy) we will at the very least want new carpets and paint. Just keep that in prayer for us that we are able to make a wise decision about the house that we buy.

Hezekiah is a funny little kid- He dances anytime he hears music, laughs for no reason at all, and finds it funny when we say the word "Ewwww". He is almost a year and a half, and it seems like it has flown by so fast. You hear people say that all the time, but until you have children you really don't know the meaning of that phrase. I wish time would slow down just a bit because it seems like he is growing wayyyy too fast and learning so much every single day. Here are some recent videos of him:

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