Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I get home from work yesterday and Hezekiah is in a perfect mood. He is being all loving and dancing to Polar Express and having a good time. Around 5pm he starts to yawn so we attempt to give him a late nap. Well no more than about 30 minutes later we hear him crying but we decide to wait it out and see if he goes back to sleep. We wait about 20 minutes and he still doesnt stop crying so I go into his room and check on him and I come in and he has thrown up everywhere. He has rolled in it and it has managed to get every inch of his crib. And of course, we both feel like the worst parents in the world for not going in sooner, but we didn't think anything was wrong by his cry. So, I strip him down while Andrew gets a bath running for him. I should have known better, Monday I bring Hezekiah to the sitter's house and she tells me she was up all night with her own son and he was throwing up all night... why did I leave him there knowing that? I should have known better but I had assumed it may have just been food poisening. Well, we were wrong.

We get Hezekiah cleaned up and he continues to throw up for several hours. We try and give him water and every ounce of it gets thrown up about 5 minutes after. So we decide at 6pm to take him to Urgent Care while he is still throwing up in the car. We get to Urgent Care and we start to see him throwing up yellow fluid (bile) ane we are just waiting to see a Dr any minute now. She looks at him, takes his vitals and says that it is Rotovirus, that she has been seeing a lot of this recently. She gave him a Phenergan suppository which was supposed to stop him vomitting and gave us one more dose in case it doesn't work.  They told us Pedialtye is the best for him right now and to only give him this for the next 24 hours. We stop by Target and load up with Pedialyte. After 2 hours, we are attempting every 20 minutes to give him something to hydrate him... and still nothing seems to work. We wait until 10pm to see if this medication kicks in and still nothing. By 10:30 we take him to Riverside Community Hospital Emergency Room because he is extremely lethargic having major diarrhea and still throwing up everything we give him and we majorly scared he would get dehydrated. They checked him out and said he does not need an IV, they were going to give him a shot of medication that will work better for his vomiting. They were going to give him the shot and wanted us to wait around and give him fluids to make sure something stayed down before we left. We only gave him like 2 tablespoons, and by this time Hezekiah is probably starving since he has not eaten since 3pm... and seriously wanted so much more than we were giving him. We waited 20 minutes and everything seemed to stay down, so we headed home at 12:30pm from the ER. As soon as we got in the car, Hezekiah passed out from being so tired. We got home put him in his crib and he slept until 4am, which I gave him only 1 ounce of drink to make sure it stayed down  once again. They told us to slowing start adding more fluids and to not over do it with 8 ounces until you know it will stay down. So, needless to say Andrew and I were both crying last night having to hold our baby who was throwing up, mad because we allowed him to stay at Daycare with that sick child, and exhausted from lack of sleep. So far so good, he has kept all fluids down, is still having diarrhea but seems to be much more energetic so we will see how today goes!


Anonymous said...

Wow I'm having flashbacks from when James got really sick to his stomach. Doesn't the smell of vomit seem like the most disgusting smell in the world?


PealzfromShelz said...

oh my! So sorry you had such a time! our prayers remain with you!