Thursday, December 18, 2008

For those organic people

Somewhat like me, I do the best I can (within my means) to be more organic. I am not a modern hippie or anything that uses cloth diapers or anything (although I know it better for the environment, I refuse to wash diapers in the same thing I wash my clothes in)... Anyway, I am all about non toxic toys and so I found a really cool website for those that are looking for more "Organic toys" at:

This is currently the toys I am looking at purchasing for Hezekiah, mainly because most toys don't reach back far enough to get to this molars that are trying to come through... the design of this toy looks pretty good for what I am looking for specifically.

Also, there is a great organization that is doing a lot of work in getting toxic toys out of the stores, and also trying to push manufacturers to stop making toxic toys. You can go to this website, register, and do a search or toys to see if any of the toys you currently have are toxic:

1 comment:

Lee Jones said...

Huh. Organic children's toys. I suppose that makes sense, especially since I can purchase organic pet supplies, including catnip toys.
