Monday, December 15, 2008

Dr's appt

I took Hezekiah to a Dr's appt today because he still was having issues with diarrhea, so the Dr put him on a Soy formula 1/2 strength for now to get nutrients. He said that he lost about 5% in weight and that is really bad. He wouldn't think anything of the diarrhea normally because he's at the teething age and that is pretty normal for his age, but since he has lost the weight it was a concern. He said that we can give imodium ad liquid to him if it continues... and asked me a huge round of questions about blood in the stool and being out of the country anytime lately. Of course, both answers were no. So, stick to the BRAT diet he says for a few days and to bring him back in towards the end of the week to be weighed to make sure he is gaining weight. I have to say, I love this Pediatrician, and I could not ask for a better Dr for Hezekiah! He is amazing, and he always covers every base which I appreciate so much. In addition, he is just too darn funny...Love the guy, if you need a great Pediatrician-  I highly recommend Dr Lawrence Sharpe!

Also, we have decided to pull Hezekiah out of daycare. Andrew's mom agreed to come out to our place everyday to watch Hezekiah for us... of course we are paying her because it would cost way too much in gas and everything to ask her to do this without the money. It could not be better... and seriously- No One, no matter how well you know them will ever take better care of your children than family! It was costing us $600/ month to have him in daycare, so we will now be saving a nice chuck off the $600/ month to be able to save for a house. She told us that if we ever needed back up we could still use her which was nice. My main concern was her being mad at us because we pulled him out, which was sad because I didn't want her to feel bad but Family is better! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet....thats gonna save so much money for the six hundred well and gas money too because you wont have to drive over to her house anymore..ohoh and you can sleep in a little too because you dont have to take hezzy anywhere there are just too many plus' to not...the only thing is when he gets older he will need to be around kids his age more often so that he can when he is three and four ya dig