Monday, April 14, 2008


These last couple of months have proved to be a true test of our faithfulness between finances and Andrew's car, work situations... and the list could go on but I will stop at there. I think God has been molding us in many ways, showing us new things about our lives everyday. We are thankful for food on the table and clothes on our back and formula to feed the baby plus the many more things like a working car to get us to our jobs which bring us the bacon.

What the future holds for us we don't know, will we EVER buy a house.... ehhhh who knows I guess if we don't it doesn't matter because if we die we can't take it with us anyway. But all of these concerns seem so minute when comparing to my co-worker who will be quitting work in May to take care of her husband. She decided to sell all her assets in order to be able to afford to keep him at home. And in her words "If I have to start all over again, oh well, I will start all over again." And when it really comes down to it she's right nothing in this world, no new car, no big screen high def tv, no big house, will ever replace the precious time you spend with a loved one when you never know how long you have with them.

1 comment:

Lee Jones said...

We're selling/losing our place and moving into an RV (short version: trusted wrong guy to refinance us, got a 9% rate, have to sell now...).

Family, as it turns out, is what matters to me in this life. And God has been faithful to provide before we know we have a need. We have enough, and that is always enough!