Sunday, April 06, 2008

A Cherished moment

Tonight is one of the nights that I most cherish being a mom. Where do I begin? Hezekiah mainly sleeps through the night with a once in a blue moon waking up but tonight was one of the night when he last ate at around 6pm and was getting tired around 8:30pm so I laid him down for a nap and decided somewhere around 9:30 I would give him a small bottle and send him back to bed. When I went into his room to wake him up for his bottle, he grasped onto me and ust laid his head on my shoulder as I walked him out to the living room to give him his bottle. and as I was holding him he'd lift up his head to look around and then lay his head back down on my shoulder- just like a sack of potatoes he was pretty heavy. I fed him his bottle and towards the end he's falling asleep again, so I take his head under my arm and he snuggles his little head in the bend of my arm and quickly falls asleep again in my arms. I walk steadily towards his room and gently lay him in his crib where he adjusts his sleeping position and I know he is completely knocked out after just a few seconds. 

I really cherish moments like these because I know so quickly they will be gone and I will miss these little things about him being this age. He has such a sweet disposition and smiles at almost every funny face I make. He is getting 2 teeth in and even with that (I know this is not the worst of it) but he is STILL such a sweet baby! I am almost scared to have another baby because I just don't know how we could have another perfect baby?! I can't wait until he wakes up in the morning- my sweet little Hezekiah! 

1 comment:

Anne Elizabeth said...

aww. that is so sweet. I remember those moments with my son:)