Monday, March 31, 2008

A new first!

Hezekiah has his first tooth coming in!!!! We actually just noticed today when he was babbling and we noticed a small little hold on this bottom gums. We ran our fingers on his gums and sure enough he has a tooth coming through!!! He is definitely drooling more and loves his teething toys now but he doesn't seem to be in any pain and isn't even fussy really but from what I hear it's the molar's that hurt the most. So far so good, as soon as it comes through I will make sure to snap a picture! Hezekiah is growing up :)


Michael and Briana Norton said...

I always heard the molars were the worst also but haven't noticed any difference between the molar pain and the other teeth. Good news for ya!

Lee Jones said...

Baby teeth! He's growing up!

Anonymous said...

awwwww.....i have a tear in my first nephew is growing up for real....i have a toy for him...i have been waiting for his teeth to come in to get it to you though