Sunday, December 17, 2006

Spekulatius Party

Yesterday, we were invited to come to the "Spek Party" from a friend. And we were like that sounds pretty cool, Each year this family holds one of these parties. A Spekulatius is a german cookie, a pretty traditional spice/sugar cookie (we couldn't decide which once it tasted more like). Anyway, they make HUGE batches of this dough and I think they said they use like 6 lbs of flour for the batter. It is supposed to make enough for everyone who attends to take some home. How they get the cookies in a very cool design is unlike I have ever heard. In Germany they would cut very intricate designs into long pieces of wood with maybe 12 different designs on this one piece of wood. Then, they would smoosh the dough into the designs and then you would have to proceed to turn the piece of wood upside down and smack it against a hard surface to get the dough out of the cutter without ruining the design. Very cool, we were invited to go ahead and try this ourselves so here is the video of me making a Spekulatius cookie. It was so cool because this whole family would get together every year and make these cookies, something they have passed down from generation to generation. I would love to be able to pass along something like that to my family...If I had something like that to pass along :)

1 comment:

Nicole Leonard said...

FUN!! We don't have any kind of tradition like that either... Maybe we can make one up... Or adopt a cool one from another culture... :)

BTW, I LOVE your new header! Very Christmas-y.