Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Romance Thesis

This is the name of a band that Andrew's co-worker's are in (their link is at the bottom of my blog) and they have been signed and released their first CD and so I was listening to this song "If I am a bird you're a bird" and I really liked this bit of the lyrics:

"one last chance to live...
cause a bird is not such a great
creature to be
one wrong move of the wind
and you get swept into the sea...

...I'll continue holding on
for as long as it takes
I'm not ready for goodbye
I'm not ready to part ways
I'm not ready to let go
or watch you fall to this fate...

....I'll breathe my life into you
If thats what it takes...
then thats what I must do
But I guess I'm too late
It's not my life to save
I've done all I can do
Now it's your step to take"

I guess I just thought about the people we know in our own lives that continue to make bad decisions and we watch from our ledge as they crash into the sea and break. And they HAVE to learn it on their own but you wish you could help. It's the whole reaching hand syndrome, where you can reach your hand out but if they don't want to grab it then that is their choice and you can't make them! I felt so burdened in a sense because I want so much for these people to really know Christ and follow in his paths but we powerless until they come to the realization on their own. I just keeping praying for them that their eyes would be opened.


Lee Jones said...

Definitely. Both heaven and hell, ultimately, come down to choice (yes, I am Reformed). We do what we can and leave the rest up to God.

xlolsroycex said...

Nice interpretation, but this song is actually about the golden gate bridge suicides.