Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life's not fair

Life is at time not fair, but who am I to say that God's plans are not justified. I know that everything God does is justified and I am no one of importance nor do I think I am anyone of power to say to God "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I have no right after what Christ did for me to say anything like that to the Creator of the Universe...But sometimes I (metaphorically) lay on my belly like a little baby in a tantrum and pound my fist and kick my feet saying "Why!? It's not fair!" We are all selfish creatures at times it comes out in this monster and breaths its fire. I know that God had a greater purpose for that tragedy but today I was extremely selfish and pounded my fist hard and wished that this person was here. 

1 comment:

Lee Jones said...

True, that...