Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thoughts of work

Time is closing in on my being at home with Hezekiah. I found out surprisingly today that I received my last check from the state for being off of work with the baby. I am really disappointed, and things are definitely a lot tighter now that we know this is basically all I will have in pay until I return to work January 28th. Andrew and I will have to sit down tonight and look at finances and decide whether or not I have to return to work earlier than I had planned. Andrew's car is in the shop right now and won't be finished until after Christmas, and the work that HAS to be done is going to end up costing us like $8000!!! Which really puts us in a tighter spot than we wanted right now with me not working full time and being home with the baby. I am praying that God will open a door, and things will work out financially so I don't have to return to work right after the new year.

When I return to work I will only be working from 8am-2pm M-F, which allows me to keep my full time status and my benefits for me and the baby which works out great because I was scrambling on how to figure out how to get the baby and I health benefits since I was only going to be going back to work part time. I really miss my job, and being in the department with my co-workers but I am so torn because I cry just thinking about not waking up with the baby and being able to feed him all day and see him develop. I know I will probably miss a lot of his milestones now  that I will be working more hours than I thought. I praise the LORD that Andrew's work has been so accomodating, they are allowing him to work from home until 2pm when I get off work and come home then Andrew will be able to go into the office and finish his hours... I am sooo thankful for that! I am going to miss my baby so much, awww I just cry thinking about leaving him :(


Anonymous said...

maybe you shouldn't be wasting all your money on useless stuff like love sacks, iphones and refridgerators.

Anonymous said...

may be you anonymous person should realize that they needed these things maybe or had the money to do them....maybe you should get a life and quit bugging people about what they do and dont do sheesh