Friday, October 19, 2007

CIO or Ferber

I have been reading several different books like Babywise, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, and Healthy sleep habits, happy child... and I have tried to get a wide variety of opinions on how to get Hezekiah to take naps. At first it seemed so cruel to just let him cry it out (Ferber method) the first couple of weeks because I think it is so important that they know that you are going to be there for them and they need the bonding and cuddle time. Now, Hezekiah is 6 weeks old and I figure now is a good of time as any to start getting him scheduled so that OUR life can be a little more predictable as well as his. After reading these few books, I kind of just take bits and pieces and see what works with each method. I don't want him to get used to me holding him or nursing him to go to sleep or rock him... I want him to be able to fall asleep on his own.

When all is said and done, I think that Hezekiah ALREADY sleeps better at night when I make him take naps at certain times. I had to write down his schedule on a piece of paper so I could remember when and what needs to happen. Nap time in the afternoon CAN be a little frustrating because he will cry like for almost an hour before he falls asleep. Now, some of the other methods say you should pick them up when they get too stressed so you can calm him down but as soon as I came in picked him up calmed him down and tried to lay him down again he would start right up again. Soo.... I tried the Cry it Out (Ferber) method. I only let him cry for a maximum of an hour and by then it is already time for him to eat again so it works out just fine. So, if anyone has any suggestions... bring it on!

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