Tuesday, October 16, 2007

News from the Holybee's

**Update- We will be signing the new lease agreement on October 31st and our move in date can be as early as November 1st when we get the keys. I will let you know if we need any help with the transfer, will not be until the following weekend probably.

Last Sunday, my Dad became a married man... again!! His new wife Gail and him were happily joined in marriage and I could not be any happier for him!! They were married in Oregon and we was not able to fly up for the wedding due to Hezekiah being so little and my sister was able to send me this picture of them. Here is to a happy and long marriage together, I wish you the best :)

Amazing how quick our 1 bedroom apartment seemed to close in on us... with all of the baby stuff and the lack of storage our little 1 bedroom apartment has quickly turned into a house with only paths going to the living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc. After talking with the management office, we have decided to transfer to a 2 bedroom apartment in the same complex. Instead of our $795/month we will be paying $985/month which is quite a jump from what we are paying now but we might as well slowly increase our monthly if we want to prepare for a mortgage. We will only be signing a 6 month lease so that way if the market changes for us to buy a house then we won't be locked into a year lease. Below is a picture of the unit we will be renting, it will be downstairs and will have a washer/dryer. It won't be ready until the 15th of next month, but I am looking forward to getting settled in the bigger apartment!! Yeahhh for more room and the baby will have his own room which will work out now that he is starting to sleep more at night!

1 comment:

Nicole Leonard said...

That's so exciting!! Congrats to your dad and yay for a new apartment!!