Friday, June 08, 2007

Health clearance for Momma and baby!

I have my Dr's appt yesterday, and because I was sick lately the last couple of days my blood pressure has been a little higher than normal so I was getting just a little concerned as one of the girls in my office brought in their blood pressure machine to have us all check our blood pressure. Went into the Dr's yesterday and the nurse checked my blood pressure and it was 120/74 which is a good number! I was so ecstatic to hear this :)
I was on some medication Cipro for my bladder infection because of the Urgent Care visit on Sunday, I told her this is what the Dr put me on she immediately wanted to change me over to a different medication not because what I was on was bad but because she wanted me on something a little safer. The baby's heart beat was in the 150's which is good, I know every one thinks that you can predict the sex of the baby from this numbers- all wives tales! Before my next appt, I have to do my glucose screening which will tell me whether or not I have gestation diabetes, etc. I have to fast for 8 hours before the test, so they suggested do it in the morning before you go to work that is the easiest time. That's it for now, baby is moving quite a bit now and with some pretty hard thumps.

*Andrew is in Missouri or Misery as I like to call it until Sunday, I have to pick him up from Ontario airport. He and Josh went out there for a friend of ours Caleb's wedding, his fiancee is from this state and luckily both will be moving to California after they are married! Yippee! Congrats to them on their marriage tomorrow :)


Nicole Leonard said...

Hope your glucose test is with the orange-flavored "soda." Kristin said hers was a lemon-lime flavor and it was horrible. Mine was the orange one and it just tasted like Sunkist soda.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get the orange one too. It wasn't bad, just really sugary.

By the way, Mom and David both said I was to have a boy when I told them the heart rate of the baby a month before we found out the kicker inside me was...a boy.