Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Robert Elliot- John 7

Speaking of the Chief Priests and Pharisees "While they are seeking Him, they are not seeking Him in the sense of the fact that their souls needs to be given life. They are not seeking Him as those who are regenerated individuals hankering after the Savior's grace. They are seeking Him as hunters, They're seeking Him to destroy Him. As those who would hunt out their quarry and their prey. The Lord Jesus is being hunted by these men. However the Lord makes this comment which would go over the head of an average person but would have caused the officer's heart to skip a beat because He knew they were seeking after Him. It was like He knew what was going on or something, well, He did. And He was subtly speaking to them. It is interesting that men do seek Jesus in their unregenerate state but they seek Him to deny Him. They seek Him to ridicule Him. Men seek the knowledge of Jesus in order that they might dismiss Him. That's what happens in the unregenerate condition, Men do seek Jesus but it so that they can justify themselves in sin. NO MAN CAN SEEK AFTER JESUS, A SAVIOR, UNLESS THE SPIRIT OF GOD HAS AWAKENED HIM AND QUICKENED HIM."

** Awesome sermon, such a deep pastor and meat driven speaking.

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