Thursday, October 13, 2005

News from Kendrew 10/13/2005

Well I can say that Andrew and I are probably the most tired 20 somethings you've ever met, ha ha. We are only at home 2-3 nights a week. Here's the run down to give you an idea:
Monday- Barfeet Edge: Jr. and Sr. High
Tuesday- Barefeet Limits: College and Career
Wednesday- Laundry, car maintenance??
Thursday- Personal devotion night together
Friday- Hanging out with friends
Saturday- Maybe sleeping in but usually helping his parents on their new property in Cherry Valley and rotating with Couples Bible study at our church startong Oct 22nd.
Sunday- Church and dinner at the Gladuras.

Andrew was up for Evangelist Coordinator at our church so he could get more hours with the church. Well, he didn't get the Evangelist Coordinator position but the church decided to move him up to 20 hours a week now (whooo-hooo)! We are very excited to see how God will be able to use this now. Andrew is reading a lot of books as I am trying to as well. I am trying to find time for my hobbies but it's super hard. I am still trying to figure out why God still has me working at my current job. I am praying for God to open the door for some kind of new job for me. I have a few possibilities 1) First Centenniel bank in Redlands, my mom hooked me up the VP of the bank and she submitted my resume in the loan department. 2) Word of mouth heard that First Baptist in Riverside might soon be opening a position for a full time accountant paying more than what I make now.
We are chugging right along on our debt- we will be debt free as of March 24th. I have been a little debt eating monster, paying huge chunks ever pay period to get rid of it so I can start saving for the house. I can see an end in sight for the debt and it really makes me smile, God is so good :)

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