So the next purchase I will be making (photography related) is the Nikon D300, we obviously are going to buy a house first but this will be next on my list unless Nikon comes out with something else. I really only need the camera body since I have most of the lenses I need for it and all the Nikon lenses are interchangeable. I still have some lenses I would like to purchase for fun, but overall my necessary lenses I have right now. This would be the camera I want to buy:

Now, if for some reason I won the lottery or something crazy like that, this would the camera of my dreams.... What is it? none other than the
Hasselblad H3DII-39MS

Cost: $43k, Yep that's right you did read that right!
It is 39 megapixels and has an 80mm lens, ahhh one can dream I guess!
Six frames per second?! WOW! I think mine is 3.5 fps and I thought that was pretty nifty. :)
And that $43,000 camera... it's a dSLR? It looks like a video camera. And what would one do with 39 megapixels??? LOL! Maybe print wall-sized pictures?
Oh, and you said you don't shoot in manual mode at your jobs? Do you just use the automatic setting without the flash? Do you shoot in RAW?
Why stop there? rather than shooting for the stars, aim for the Milky Way and get the D3X! *LOL*
Or you could just land on the moon, settle for the D300 and then use the money you save to make up for the crop factor on the smaller sensor on the D300...
Just a thought.. :-)
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