We had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas, we spent Christmas Eve with Andrew's parents in Cherry Valley as they had some of their family over for a nice dinner... and yes- Rock Band 2 sessions. We had a blast, even Hezekiah was getting into the music and dancing while holding drumsticks in this hands.
Christmas Day, we are late morning people around here, we got up around 8:30am and spent Christmas Day with my parents and my sister and her family at her house. We had a lovely Eggs Benedict Breakfast and started in on the gifts. Hezekiah made out like a bandit this year getting awesome books, toys, and clothes! Here are a couple of pictures, my favorite being my son and my nephew one playing the guitar and the other the drums... a band maybe in the future??
Caught this one of my sister so excited she got an iPod Touch
And this one of my niece, Sydney, so excited to try on her new dress!
Also, soon after Christmas, I had the privilege of doing a photo shoot for my Pastor and his family since they were all in town then. Here are a couple of my favorites from that shoot:

Okay, now onto New Years! We spent New Years Eve at Knott's Berry Farm for Praise 2009, we left Hezekiah with the Gladura's and went and picked him up after we got back to take him home. Had one of the worst moments of my life that night, simply because of my husband... let me explain. Everyone wants to ride Ghostrider, but I absolutely do not like rollercoasters but I went to Knott's anyway for the bands! Andrew keeps telling me, of this is like a beginner rollercoaster you'll be fine - see how slow it is going. The whole night everyone kept saying I thought he was lying to you just to get you on the rollercoaster. Nope, scared the living poop out of me... I literally screamed bloody murder the whole ride only stopping to take a breath, When the rollercoaster stopped, Andrew says "I swear, I don't remember this ride being this fast!" I am shaking, and tears are rolling down my face... and I just remember thinking I cannot believe he made me get on that ride. All my friends are going, are you okay? I made it out alive, but I will NEVER ride a rollercoaster again! After I calmed, down we saw Kutless perform in the Calico Square. (I didn't get any pictures because I didn't not want to lug around my 10lb camera just to get some pro shots... nah I was going to enjoy my night.) We also saw Thor Ramsey, comedian, perform he was really funny. Got some really good laughs out of Andrew & I when he started talking about husband's and wives. There were supposed to be fireworks that night but because of the fog, you couldn't see anything. We said, Happy New Year, gave my husband a kiss and happily went on our way to see Brandon Heath perform, he was the highlight of my night. Here is a short video of him performing:
1 comment:
Oh my goodness! I love the pics that you did of the Pool family, especially the one of Cor & Kathy!!
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